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H2 Green Steel AB
Boden, Sweden
Technical consulting
  • Project Management
  • Structural Engineering


Green steel and green hydrogen will play a crucial role in a decarbonized future.

Green hydrogen is an enabler of industrial transformation, with steel as one of the key sectors for cost-competitive and viable decarbonization by bringing emissions close to zero in the steel production process. H2 Green Steel will build a giga-scale electrolyser, powered by fossil-free electricity, as an integrated part of the production site, producing the green hydrogen needed to bring 5 million tonnes of high-quality steel to the market by 2030.


Solwers company Licab provides project management, links the operations and constructions teams, plans, drives, coordinates the sub-projects, and offers project management of the headquarters. Licab also designs the railway solutions and offers technical solutions for the project.


The project will be completed by 2030.

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Solwers PLC


Solwers is a growth-oriented group of expert companies that challenge the traditional practices of the built environment consulting industry. Around 30 operative Solwers group companies offer a wide range of engineering, design, and project management services.

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Project spotlight

Hamburg, Germany

Subway Line U5 Mitte

Hamburg is planning to increase the capacity of its public transport system by expanding railbound...

  • Civil Engineering
  • Project Management
  • Structural Engineering

Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia

Viacúčelový športový areál so základnou školou Guliver

  • Structural Engineering

Prague, Czech Republic

Stavební úpravy víceúčelového obchodně-spoločenského Centra Černý Most 

  • Structural Engineering

London, UK

Luton and Dunstable University Hospital Redevelopment

The start of 2015 saw us secure a commission to assist Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation...

  • Project Management
  • Structural Engineering

La Coruña, Spain

Renewable hydrogen and ammonia production plant

The project involved the feasibility design of a high-capacity renewable hydrogen and green ammonia production...

  • Project Management

Vaasa, Finland

Old Vaasa’s Hospital

A new 48-patient hospital building to be built on the hospital grounds.

  • Building Services